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Life, Opportunity and Tuesday Crafts

Writer's picture: Elizabeth ClaireElizabeth Claire

It all began with a big pain in a muscle. I thought it will go away next day but no. At least that night I slept well even with the muscle been strained. I was visiting a friend in the West of Puerto Rico (I live in the East). This means I drove almost 3 hours and then we head for more "car time" that day for more adventure. The "thing" happened later as soon as I was ready for bed. Next morning it felt weird but not that bad and again we went for a small walk before my appointment (hair). The sweet guy lives in a second floor plus the town is San German, which has a lot steep streets.

There was no parking close to the place so we kept on walking around to enjoy one of the most beautiful towns in Puerto Rico. At the end of the appointment I was in a lot of pain. There is me after the hair was done in San Germán in one of the few streets that is not steep trying not to cry for the pain and before heading back to the East.

It was great that my son was able to pick me up and drive back because I couldn't imagine myself getting in a car and drive for almost 3 hours. I swallowed two pain relieve pills before getting back on the road but it was not enough. For reasons I don't understand I forgot about taking some anti inflammatory pills. The only thing I had in my mind was that I already and an appointment with the chiropractor next day and I couldn't wait to get there with the hope that she was going to solve my pain. I also forgot that I could have called a physiatrist who happens to be a former neighbor for 26 years and also the husband of one of my friends. The pain was that bad. Of course I couldn't sleep and in the middle of the night I googled my symptoms to find something that could ease my pain. Everything I felt matched a problem with the sciatic nerve. I didn't have a hot pad, or I didn't remember where I put it after moving here. My son helped me preparing a hot pad with a towel and a plastic bag. It was a mess but it worked and I slept for two hours (yes, only two). I was still in big pain when I hardly walked to the doctor's office. After the check up she found the culprit. The piriformis muscle was hurt while I looking something in a bag on the floor and then it received a lot of strain while walking at the steep streets and stairs and the long trips in the car. The sciatic nerve and the sacrum bone were pushed by the strained and inflamed muscle (I was not that wrong) and that was the reason for the intense pain. I received a therapy and a prescription of and anti inflammatory pill, hot and cold pads before and after some stretching exercises and rest. I was not aware that I had, in a place I remembered later, hot and cold pads. My son was supposed to buy it after work because he was already late (he had to drive me to the appointment). He prepared again the hot towel with a plastic bag and I swallowed two Advils.

You may be asking where am I going with this story. Here it is. My friend María called worried about my pain and when I told her I was waiting for a hot pad she told me about the fabric and rice pads she found on Pinterest. I was not in the mood of anything at that moment, my son forgot to buy the hot pads and again we made that messy pad with the towel. I am very pleased to say that the anti immflamatory pills (taken twice), the therapy and the messy pad helped me a lot. I didn't have to use the other prescribed drugs, which made me very happy and the next day I was feelling a lot better. The doctor told me that it could take more that a week to heal so I just took things very slowly. I was walking like a robot until Friday, almost a week after the strain. I was really feeling better but was afraid of hurting it again. That same week, in a conversation with my daughter in law, the hot pad made with fabric and rice came up. She said she bought one for a gift and it came with essencial oils scent. This time I was really intrigued but it was not until last week that I searched the so called fabric hot/cold pads on Pinterest and then on Etsy.

Here is where opportunity knocks and it doesn't have to be with money or any business. For a long time I have been thinking about a way to use all the crafts materials I have, including fabric with my designs. I really hate collecting things and seeing the boxes full of fabric and unfinished projects is bothering me more every day. When I saw the sizes and forms of the fabric pads, the variety of fabric designs used and how easy was the sewing process I was inspired. Mother's day was coming and having so many sisters (7) and friends that are moms I thought this was the perfect gift. I bought a few essecial oils, a lot of rice and Voila...there was "the craft" I was willing to try. It was the perfect opportunity to use the fabric I have in stock and give someone something very useful and pretty. It was also an opportunity to organized all the fabric panels I have with my designs and a great opportunity to add another craft project people can make with them. I am beyond grateful for everything that came out of the situation. I made more that 12 of them. They went away faster than I thought because when my sons saw them they were very interested. One of them told me that he and his wife made one with a sock in a moment of need. I was happy to give people something cute and useful. My son also took some for the mothers in the office and they loved them. The problem is that now I have a large list of fabric pads to make for my sisters and friends because I gave out almost all of them. I am glad this project is easy and fun to make. I bought 60 pounds of rice and it is gone. Below is the one I made for me. I used the fabric I designed with the orange collage butterfly. This one was made with two pieces of 13 inches x 7 inches fabric, another piece of cotton fabric in the same size for lining, 3 cups of rice and some drops of peppermint essencial oil. I love it!!! As you ca see, I divided the pad in two for a better distribution of the rice. If you know how to sew this is the easiest project ever. If you don't, there are lots of tutorials on YouTube. I am considering selling tem but first I have to analize the costs and earnings. For now I can sell you a cute fabric panel to make a small one for you or as a gift.

An important note: If you are going to use it hot, put it oin the micowave 10 seconds and a time until it reaches the temperature you can deal with.

Also I made a small one with one of the fabric panels I sell on my etsy store for a friend.

I have a few more. Happy to use some fabric I bought with music for two of my sisters.

Below you can see the center of the bag where I split the bag in two thinking of a better way to distribute the rice.

Life happens and it is not always nice but if you look closer opportunities are everywhere.

Stay Safe, Embrace and Enjoy each happy moment!

From my heart,

Elizabeth Claire

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